Horses are intuitive and intelligent animals, they don’t judge or criticise anyone . They live in the moment, having an amazing memory that they trust to keep the herd safe. We believe in referring to ourselves as having “ability” not “disabilities “. For example my own abilities are the following, Hypermobility syndrome ( EDS 3 ) Spina Biffida Occulta, Degenerative disc disease , Function Neurological Disorder. Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, Sleep Apnea and early onset arthritis.
In all honesty, the only time that I’m not in chronic pain, is when I’m either riding or carriage driving. Both sports have a very low amount of concussion on joints and for myself riding is possible where as swimming isn’t.
You do not need any “Special Abilities “ to become a member of our Club, all we ask is for you to help spread awareness of invisible disabilities and health conditions.
Most importantly………….Be Kind