G.O.Equestrian Club cic  



Raising awareness of NON-VISIBLE disabilities, NEURODIVERSITY and health conditions PROMOTING THR benefits that horses, riding aND Carriage driving have TO OUR COMMUNITY.

weekly lessons in riding & CARRIAGE Driving with our horses.

Open to members and non-members.

Horses and associated equipment is provided provided including hard hats & gloves.

Horses are intuitive and intelligent animals, they don’t judge or criticise anyone . They live in the moment, having an amazing memory that they trust to keep the herd safe. We believe in referring to ourselves as having “ability” not “disabilities “. For example my own abilities are the following, Hypermobility syndrome ( EDS 3 ) Spina Biffida Occulta, Degenerative disc disease , Function Neurological Disorder. Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, Sleep Apnea and early onset arthritis.

In all honesty, the only time that I’m not in chronic pain, is when I’m either riding or carriage driving. Both sports have a very low amount of concussion on joints and for myself riding is possible where as swimming isn’t.

You do not need any “Special Abilities “ to become a member of our Club, all we ask is for you to help spread awareness of invisible disabilities and health conditions.

Most importantly………….Be Kind 

G.O. Equestrian club cic


Please see below our list of prices for 1st November 2023 until 1st November 2024
Details of what is included in each package 

This membership is for a single membership for junior, senior and adult riders. You receive a discount on both your weekly lessons and our clubs Activity Days and Galas. You can be a rider , carriage driver or parent & guardian 


Family / Group 

This membership is for 4 people maximum and each person receives a full single membership as detailed above


Activity Days 

These days are for members ONLY however, someone that’s interested in joining the club can attend using this option to experience the day to see if they enjoy it. 


Horse Loan 

Loaning a horse from the  club is offered to our members ONLY However, using this option you can trial the experience of horse ownership for one week



Call to action

For more information including availability, booking and membership details please WhatsApp on 07931403707
Established 2004

Horse Riding & carriage driving